Design Outreach

Alleviating Global Poverty Through Life-Sustaining Technology

Innovations in Development

The DO Way of Appropriate Technology Development

in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum. hoc erat in principio apud Deum. omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est. in ipso vita erat et vita erat lux hominum. et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt. fuit homo missus a Deo cui nomen erat Iohannes.

hic venit in testimonium ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine ut omnes crederent per illum, non erat ille lux sed ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine. erat lux vera quae inluminat omnem hominem venientem in mundum. in mundo erat et mundus per ipsum factus est et mundus eum non cognovit 


Addressing Increasing Needs for Safe Water Through Electric LifePump Upgrade

As many LifePump communities grow in population and people continue to flock to LifePump for safe water, a higher flow rate is often needed to meet increasing demand. autoLifePump allows a solar-powered electric motor to be added to LifePump to address these needs.

For communities that have a high demand for water but do not have the resources to support a submersible or solar pumping system and all their associated costs and maintenance, autoLifePump provides an electric pumping option at a fraction of the cost.

A pump that operates with zero downtime is critical for sustainable development; autoLifePump provides near 100% uptime. If a community faces electrical issues, power outages, or cloud cover, autoLifePump’s manual backup is there to provide safe water 24/7.

As communities grow, they can upgrade their LifePump to autoLifePump easily and affordably, guaranteeing sustainable water access they need to thrive.    

How autoLifePump Works

  1. Upgrades a standard LifePump with minimal effort and cost
  2. Increases flow rate 2 to 3 times depending on solar intensity and borehole refresh rate capacity
  3. Provides manual backup system for users to switch from electric to manual operation
  4. Provides on-demand water, eliminating the need for a storage tank
  5. Eliminates the need for backup generators or batteries
  6. Integrates the LifePumpLink satellite remote monitoring system

How autoLifePump Alleviates Global Poverty

  • Provides a cost-effective option for increased access to safe water source for a growing community without the need of additional boreholes or expensive, unreliable infrastructure
  • Supports communities as they grow and develop
  • Ensures near 100% uptime with a manual powered back-up option


Supporting Improved Sanitation & Hygiene through Reliable Latrines

Access to quality, affordable toilets and latrines is crucial for disease prevention and sanitation in developing countries. Without them, community health and development suffer. Unfortunately, the most commonly used toilets globally—pit latrines—pose problems related to affordability, maintenance, and waste disposal. While the common pit latrine is a simple technology, it is not necessarily inexpensive. Pit latrines are often difficult to maintain over time because the pits fill with waste and the pit wall liners collapse, rendering the pit unusable.

LifeLatrine is a sustainable, affordable solution to support improved sanitation and hygiene in developing countries.

Recognizing the need for sustainable, affordable latrines as a vital step in alleviating poverty, Design Outreach has assembled a team of experts in engineering, design, sanitation, soil mechanics, and manufacturing to determine how to create a pit liner that is affordable for a single family, will keep pit walls from collapsing, and can be reused.

In 20212020, the team completed critical initial research into the challenge of constructing pit latrines, studied and evaluated available solutions, and began developing new concepts now being tested.

How LifeLatrine Works
  • Designed for a single family in a rural community
  • Capable of being emptied and possibly removed and reused
  • Costs under $85$45 USD when produce at distribution scale
How LifeLatrine Alleviates Global Poverty
  • Gives communities an affordable option for safe and hygienic latrines
  • Promotes improved sanitation, leading to better health and hygiene
  • Provides families with an affordable latrine option that promotes human dignity